Monday 15 October 2012

SELFRIDGES: Oxford Street

A buzzing epicentre of thriving fashion activity; Selfridges is completely mesmerising in all aspects, from the incredible installations (shown above), to its vast collections and displays. I could spend a whole day in this store simply in awe of everything. As I think (or hope!) is normal,  I spent my entire visit scouring the crowds for those famous faces and hoping to catch a glimpse of something so incredibly chic and exciting. The enormity of this store is unreal, with little boutique style sections devoted to separate designers; there is a very exclusive feel about this store, you almost feel like a celebrity yourself just being there. Everything is on such a huge, glamorous scale; down to the furniture and even the perfectly styled locks atop some of the staffs' heads! The goings on in this shrine to fashion is quite overwhelming and would expect it to be more intimidating than anywhere else, when in fact the staff were more than happy for myself and friends to collect photographs and jottings of our findings. Selfridges is a great representation of what the modern fashion industry really has to offer.

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